Waterproof, Oiled & Waxed Leather Care


Waterproof, Oiled & Waxed leather is waterproof, perspiration and stain resistant. During the tanning process small amounts of finishing oils and waxes are added to make the leather hardwearing. Waterproof, Oiled & Waxed leather has been used to build countless Red Wing styles over the years. Actively maintaining leather is the most effective way to ensure integrity and longevity. Learn more with our Red Wing care guides.

Cleaning Boot

1. Clean

Use warm water and a brush to remove dirt from footwear. Dry with a cloth. For heavily soiled areas, apply Waterproof Leather Cleaner with a cloth or brush. Wipe cleaner away with a damp cloth and allow leather to dry.

Condition Boot

2. Condition

Apply a light, even coat of Mink Oil to leather with fingers, cloth or sponge. Mink Oil will darken leather and should only be used sparingly. Proper conditioning keeps leather healthy and extends the life of footwear.

Protect Boot

3. Protect

Lightly mist footwear with Leather Protector six to eight inches away from the leather in a sweeping motion. Leather Protector provides a shield against dirt and moisture. It will not darken footwear.


(upbeat music)
"Red Wing Shoes Leather Care"
Hands unlacing a worn and dirty pair of the 2240 King Toe boots.
"Step 1: Clean"
Hand uses Brush to remove excess dirt from boot.
Hands opening Red Wing Shoes Waterproof Leather Cleaner and squeezes product onto sponge.
Hand scrubs boot with sponge to remove dirt and grime.
"Step 2: Condition"
Hands pick up the Red Wing Shoes Care Cloth and scoops a small amount of Mink Oil onto it.
Hand massages Mink Oil into boot in clircular motion.
"Step 3: Protect"
Hand sprays Red Wing Shoes Leather Protector lightly over boot.
Flashes of boot before and after care process.
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